Classic Rose Bouquet

Classic Rose Bouquet

from $69.00

The opportunities to captivate are endless with our gorgeous fresh Classic Rose Bouquets. With an exquisite collection of selected premium long-stemmed roses, rich in bold colors such as red, hot pink or white that provoke passion, power, and vibrancy. Our bouquets are combined to give off the air of opulence and posh.

Rose Color:
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    The photos shown represent the overall theme and style of the floral arrangements. The designers may make appropriate substitutions of flowers, container types or colors due to availability and season that may not exactly match the photo, but will maintain the overall semblance and value. We hand-select the best blooms available each and every day to assure the highest quality for each of our creations. Any substitutions made will reflect an equal or higher value as appeared.


    • Place your arrangement indoors, away from any direct sunlight, heating or cooling vents.

    • Please don’t place them directly under ceiling fans, on top of televisions or radiators.

    • Keep the arrangement in a cool spot (65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit).

    • Posh & Bloom Bouquet Boxes: Add a cup of water (tea cup) every other day from the middle into the base of the box.

    • If needed, re-cut the stems by removing one inch with a sharp knife at a 45 degree angle then place back into the water absorbed foam.


    • Place your arrangement indoors, away from any direct sunlight, heating or cooling vents.

    • Place flowers in water, check the water level every day and change the water every other day.

    • Add a tea spoon of bleach to the water to keep bacteria down.

    • Re-cut the stems by removing one inch with a sharp knife at a 45 degree angle then place back into the water filled vase.

    • Keep the arrangement in a cool spot (65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit).


    We offer delivery services surrounding areas, Jenkintown, Abington, Glenside, Willow Grove & Cheltenham in Pennsylvania starting at a flat rate of $15.00. For hand-deliveries outside our surrounding delivery area, an additional fee will be applied. The delivery fee will be calculated based on the delivery address during checkout.


    Because of multiple variables, including the traffic, we are unable to guarantee deliveries at a specific time. However, you can request a delivery time frame by choosing the appropriate option when completing your order, and we will do our best to deliver the arrangement within your preferred time frame. In addition, you are always welcome to give us a call so that one of our team members can handle your request personally.


    We may need to contact the recipient to ensure someone will be home to accept delivery or to confirm the address unless you tell us not to contact them in the special instruction box when completing your order.


    Posh & Bloom currently does not offer nationwide shipping. We are hopeful to offer this service in the very near future.


    All sales concluded at Posh & Bloom are final. We are providing a service consisting of perishable items with sensitivity to temperature, moisture, and light. Receiving a defective product being the only exception. All such claims must be made within 2 hours of receiving the flowers. A photo of the arrangement must be submitted to Please keep in mind that flowers are perishable and have a life of their own. Proper care is required. It is the responsibility of the recipient to follow care instructions provided by Posh & Bloom.


    All order cancellation requests must be submitted by calling 1 (215) 867-POSH and/or emailing at least 1 day (24 hours) prior to the pick-up or delivery day and time. Any orders taken same-day will be charged for the full order and no refunds will be issued.

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